A little hint from a hill.
It will come at dusk as laser beams in the haze – and will leave us in joyous confusion.

As a result of my 30 years ongoing research on surface geometry this gigantic minimal Land Art Sculpture connects the mystical urge for the sublime of life with the deep analytical comprehension of its geometrical construction.

September 7, 2024 – September 28, 2024
9:00 p.m, 10:30 p.m
save your date

2 groups of max. 20 visitors each

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#themissinglinkshift is a sculpture of new kind. It was yet unconceivable. As this gigantic minimalistic sculpture displays the symbolic core of its secret – magically illuminating the night – it overturns our spatial conception by pinpointing the sublime and unbelievable in nature.

#themissinglinkshift is a Land Art sculpture located on a hilly peninsula in the beautiful landscape of the ‘Biosphärenreservat Schorfheide Chorin’, about 80 km north by northeast of Berlin. It comprises the night, three hills and some precisely located lights. A sculpture to be walked in as well as viewed over a period of time, beginning from a certain point.

A visit of the sculpture is possible by reservation for a guided tour via this page only. Two groups are offered per evening (sea above).
A guide will introduce into the subject of the piece in the “Hofladen” of the Brodowin Farm. Visitors will then take their vehicles to the parking area at the end of the village, and will be guided on a path onto the actual field to the starting point of the sculpture visit.

Make sure you wear solid shoes. Fortification of the path is not permitted. So it’s partly very uneven, rocky, muddy, and slippery. It might be even at an angle. We don’t take any responsibility for any injuries occurred during your visit.

Please be aware that #themissinglinkshift is located in „Biosphärenreservat Schorfheide-Chorin“, a highly protected environmental area. This lead to certain obligatory conditions of the “Untere Naturschutzbehörde Barnim” to make visits possible. Please adhere to these rules.

Not to disturb breeding the installation of the artwork can only take place in late summer. Any further light is forbidden on the hill. As white light is forbidden not to attract any fauna, some yellow stickers for your mobile flashlights will be provided. With respect to the artwork, and the night rest both of fauna and village inhabitants, silence is highly appreciated. Please postpone private chatting.